Knowledge accumulates in granular change. History is tracking changes 1 over a time duration for a closed (but living) system. In essence changeLog is history.
Unlike a book, a publication is always in the open 2. Unlike a publication, arjun uvaach
is not a collection of finished articles - it is a consistent curation of a set of narratives as they solidify into ideas, format and language - an orthogonal publication. An update is thus released every Friday with links to the chapters changed during the week.
- If I make less than 10 changes to a chapter - mostly typos or fixing the flow, I call it a "minor edits".
- More than ten such changes go to the "major edits" category.
- If I shuffle a couple of paras up or down, without changing the underlying theme - it is minor update.
- If I pretty much restructure a post or change the theme, it is a "major update".
March 21, 25
- Proposal - major update
- Proposal - minor edits
- Bhagvad Gita - minor edits
- Poetic Rendition - New addition.
- Chapter 1 - New Addition to support podcast.
- Poetic Rendition - New addition.
March 14, 25
- Readme
- Mathura
- Thought - minor edits
- Trigger
- Reboot - minor edits
- Expression - minor edits
- Righteous - minor edits
- Island
- Naive - minor edits
- Resolution - minor edits.
- Proposal - major update
- Thought - minor edits
Mar 07, 25
Feb 28, 25
- Readme - major edits - coined the term "orthogonal publication"
- Mathura - major update - basing the idea that network is the asset.
Feb 21, 25
- Readme
- Mathura - minor edits
- Thought
- Trigger
- Reboot
- Expression
- Righteous
- Island
- Naive
- Resolution - major update.
- Thought
Feb 14, 25
- Readme
- Mathura
- Thought
- Trigger
- Reboot
- Expression
- Righteous
- Island
- Naive
- Resolution - major update.
- Thought
Feb 07, 25
- Readme
- Mathura
- Thought
- Trigger
- Reboot
- Expression
- Righteous
- Island
- Naive
- Resolution - major update - work in progress.
- Thought
Jan 31, 25
- Readme
- Mathura
- Thought
- Trigger
- Reboot
- Expression
- Righteous
- Island
- Naive
- Resolution - major update still WIP.
- Thought
Jan 24, 25
Jan 17, 25
Jan 10, 25
Jan 03, 25
Dec 27, 24
Dec 20, 24
Dec 13, 24
Dec 06, 24
Nov 29, 24
New typography - testing out Alkarta fonts.
- Readme - major edits.
- Mathura - minor edits.
- Thought - major edits
- Trigger
- Reboot - minor edits.
- Expression - minor edits.
- Thought - major edits
Nov 22, 24
New typography - testing out dancing fonts cursive.
- Readme - minor edits.
- Mathura
- Thought
- Expression - major edits.
- Righteous - major edits.
- Thought
Nov 15, 24
- Readme - major edits.
- Mathura - minor edits.
- Thought- minor edits
- Expression - minor edits.
- Thought- minor edits
Nov 08, 24
- Readme - minor edits.
- Mathura - major edits.
- Thought
- Expression - minor edits.
- Thought
Nov 01, 24
- Readme
- Mathura
- Thought
- Expression - major edits.
- Thought
Oct 25, 24
- Readme - major edits.
- Mathura
- Thought
- Trigger - minor edits.
- Reboot - major edits.
- Expression - minor edits.
- Thought
Oct 18, 24
Oct 11, 24
Oct 04, 24
Sep 27, 24
Sep 20, 24
Sep 13, 24
Sep 06, 24
Aug 30, 24
Aug 23, 24
- Readme - major edits.
Aug 16, 24
- Mathura - minor edits.
- Readme - major updates. This page is accessible from landing page under link "about and navigation"
Aug 09, 24
Aug 02, 24
- Mathura
- Thought
- Expression - major edits.
- Thought
July 26, 24
- Mathura
- Thought
- Trigger
- Reboot - minor edits.
- Expression - major edits.
- Thought
July 19, 24
July 12, 24
July 05, 24
June 29, 24
June 21, 24
June 14, 24
June 07, 24
May 31, 24
- Mathura - major edits to improve readability and flow.
May 24, 24
- Mathura -
May 17, 24
- Mathura -
May 10, 24
- Mathura
- Thought - Major update. Lots of work in further refining the readability . Changed the flow a little and added some more to the closing part.
May 03, 24
- Mathura
- Thought - Major update. Reorganized the chapter ground up for flow, context and readability.
April 26, 24
- Mathura - Minor Edits.
- Thought - Pruned the chapter to 5000 words. From Readability standpoint, 5000 words seem appropriate for a web page. It was turning into a book itself at ten thousand words.
April 19, 24
- Mathura -
April 12, 24
- Mathura - major edits. Improved the flow and introduced sections. I guess it is lot more readable now.
- Thought - major update - tied together all the sections again. It has gotten bigger than what I had planned for, but it makes sense now.
April 05, 24
March 29, 24
March 22, 24
- Mathura - major edits - improved the opening para.
- Thought - major update - Tied up the intro section with the idea that thought (narrative) is an abstraction of real world actions and code is an abstraction of thoughts. In that sense narrative is an apex artifact of thought just as LLMs are an apex artifact of code.
- Trigger - major edits - started spell and grammar check.
- Thought - major update - Tied up the intro section with the idea that thought (narrative) is an abstraction of real world actions and code is an abstraction of thoughts. In that sense narrative is an apex artifact of thought just as LLMs are an apex artifact of code.
March 15, 24
- Mathura - major edits - mostly spells and grammar.
- Thought - major updates - It feels like the idea is finally emerging. A narrative about a narrative - assumption written word and Gold were co-incidental. Build through the idea of storage of information - little about knowledge verses information. Leading to Karma via dive in ..
March 08, 24
- [Mathura]
- Thought - major updates - Finally pretty close to what I wanted to cover .. Few more cosmetics may follow !
March 01, 24
Feb 25, 24
Feb 16, 24
Feb 09, 24
- Mathura
- Book 1
- Island - major edits.
- Naive - major edits.
- Resolution - major edits.
- Book 1
Feb 02, 24
- Mathura - minor edits.
- Book 1 - major edits.
- Trigger - minor edits.
- Reboot - minor edits.
- Expression - major edits.
- Righteous - major update.
- Book 1 - major edits.
Jan 26, 24
- Mathura
- Book 1 - major edits.
- Trigger - major edits.
- Reboot - major edits.
- Expression - major edits.
- Book 1 - major edits.
Jan 19, 24
Jan 12, 24
Jan 05, 24
Dec 29, 23
- Mathura - minor edits.
- Book 2
- Eight-fold - major edits.
- Book 2
Dec 22, 23
Dec 15, 23
- Mathura - minor edit.
Dec 08, 23
- Mathura - major edits.
Dec 01, 23
- Mathura - major edits.
- Book 1 - major edits.
- Trigger - major edits.
- Reboot - major edits.
- Expression - major edits.
- Righteous - major edits.
- Book 1 - major edits.
Nov 24, 23
Nov 17, 23
- Mathura - major update - aligned the monetary system units and measures of
Nov 10, 23
Nov 03, 23
- Mathura
- Book 1 - Edited the chapter from readability standpoint. Hopefully better flow and tighter conceptualization. Added a new note (number 3).
Oct 27, 23
- Mathura
- Book 1 - Major update - Lots of work on describing "information" verses "knowledge" in second section. Improved relevant footnotes.
Oct 20, 23
Reorganized the text a little to carve out eight chapters per book and to avoid repetition of the text on cover pages.
- Mathura - New title text that aligns well and explains the name of the book.
- Book 1 - Major update . Moved the last section to the landing page. Lots of improvements in second section - the "information store"
Sep 30, 23
- Mathura - Added a Satoshi donation box. Updated the links.
Sep 22, 23
Sep 15, 23
Sep 01, 23
- Mathura
- Work - Major edits. Added the introduction.
- Bhagavad Gita - Formatted chapter 9 and 10.
August 25, 23
- Mathura - Split the narrative in two books. Book one - the base narrative of the beginning of civilization and Book two to draw a comparison with the current world.
- Invocation - minor edit and changed first two footnotes.
- Trigger - minor edit
- Currency - Major edits. Almost rewrote the entire chapter.
August 17, 23
- Mathura - Painted white on Ganesha pic with yellow background showing up in the background.
- Proposal - minor edit
- Birth - minor edit
- Identity - minor edits.
- Eight-fold - Almost rewrote the chapter to bring in a parallel narrative that is taking place in near future. The challenges were pretty similar to the times of
July 28, 23
- Mathura
- Identity - Changed the name of the chapter and reimagined the content in the light of new title. Major changes ..
July 21, 23
- Mathura
- Birth - Turned the chapter introduction into a story - continuation from the last chapter. Experimenting with mixing two narratives - An observer and another being observed.
July 13, 23
July 7, 23
- Mathura - Finally found the text that could go on the landing page. It is same as introduction to chapter 8 but made sense to start the book of Mathura as well.
- Proposal - General Edits. Created sections. Added introduction.
July 1, 23
- Mathura
- Naive - General Edits. Created sections.
- Resolution - Added the introduction paras. General edits and sections
June 23, 23
Restored the Mahabharata landing page. It seems the page was deleted with other Mahabharata files. Moved the development work to Android. Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE. The terminal experience on Android has improved a lot with Termux though the sad part is Google has removed Termux from the app store. Needed to install F Droid to get the terminal going. Tried out installing Debian Andronix as well as with userLand but all I needed was old and time tested Termux with a Zook bluetooth Fingerpad.
June 16, 23
Trying to get a hold of the narrative after a month-long gap due to my daughter's wedding (which was fun and prolly lot more important than this:-)
In addition to general edits, got a third person view of these chapters when I started reading them again after a gap. Some of the changes I made were only possible if I emptied out my cache memory. A writer must take a break and read his work again to see things purely from a reader's perspective. Hope these chapters would make better sense now !
- Mathura
- Invocation - General Edits
- Mishap - General Edits
- Reboot - General Edits
- Expression - General Edits
- Righteous - General Edits
May 19, 23 - Friday
May 12, 23 - Friday
- Mathura
- readme - General Edits 3.
- Invocation - General Edits 3
May 05, 23 - Friday
- Mathura - General stuff around the website. Fixed the whatsapp link. Changed the Favicon to a "Trefoil" knot.
April 27, 23 - Friday
- Mathura - Working on kinda final Edit round for the first five chapters. Could get through first four. Lots of clarity in ideas. Tweaks in the intro texts. And connections through the page so that it brings in a flow.
- Invocation - General Edits 3
- Trigger - General Edits
- Reboot - General Edits
- Expression - General Edits
April 21, 2023 - Friday
- Mathura
- Invocation - Improved the tone of title entry and general edits.
- Mishap - Changed title name to reflect better alignment with the chapter content. General Edits.
April 14, 2023 - Friday
April 07, 2023 - Friday
March 29, 2023 - Friday
Added title lines to following chapters and created sections to improve readability, clear conception of ideas and to help improve in application search features.
Bound first four chapters with the overarching idea that the conflict is not between the old and the new. It is always amongst many possibilities of new.
March 24, 2023 - Friday
- Mathura
- Prologue - More changes to tightly align the ideas and improve readability.
- The Mishap - More changes to tightly align the ideas and improve readability.
March 10, 2023 - Friday
- Mathura
- Prologue - Major update.
- The Mishap - Major update
Feb 3, 2023 - Friday
Jan 27, 23 - Friday
Jan 20, 23 - Friday
- Mathura
- Expression - changed the title and added a summary para on top.
- Naive - changed the title and added a summary para on top.
- Fate - new chapter
Jan 13, 23 - Friday ..
- Mathura - Added short-link to whatsApp business account.
Jan 06, 2023 - Friday
Dec 29, 2022
Dec 22.
- Mathura
- How to read this book
- Substituted "footnotes" with "research and notes" as the later title seems more appropriate.
- Added a new screenshot for search to align the graphic with above idea.
- The Naive Question
- General edits.
- Added a note on "narratives and stories" and why did
chose to include descriptions that were prevalent in public discourse rather than scribing underlying truth. - Added the note on
- The Resolution
- General edits.
- Proposal and the Plan
- General edits.
- How to read this book
- Mahabharata
- Added excerpt of KMG's preface and from his Wikipedia page.
- Added a paragraph on Mahabharata.
- Theme
- Added a yellow grains background image to give the main body a slightly rougher look
Dec 15, 22
- Mathura - Added licence to copyright mark. Added page links.
- How to read this book - Added sections on search , style and license.
- Prologue - General Edits 3 and Footnotes title
- The Mishap - General Edits and Footnotes title
- RebootGeneral Edits and Footnotes title
- Recital v/s Writing - General Edits and Footnotes title
- The Question - General Edits
- The Island- General edits.
- Mahabharata
- Added the move notice.
- Configured new subdomain at "Go Daddy"
- configured GitHub pages for the
- Custom styling and published mdbook to new sub-doamin.
- changeLog - Started maintaining a change log.
notes and stuff
Knowledge is deep understanding of history. Be it a project, a book or a product. The final copy is manifestation of the knowledge. The user manual or a Readme file is the information (not knowledge) that the final copy radiates. The knowledge is encrypted with in that final shape as the history of all the changes - of the ideas, of the code or the people and their motivations. From encryption, I don't mean a cryptographic hash function - it is simply something hard to comprehend at first look - though quite possible to crack given enough effort. For example, what you are reading is just an online document, the history of this book is in the thousands of commits on the GitHub. The knowledge is "encrypted" because there is no way to document the rationale of all the changes that go into creation of the final shape. Even if someone documented all the changes, it is hard to read, understand and appreciate the sequential changes. The iterative rigor to reach a final shape is Yazna
. In essence knowledge gets encrypted through Yazna
or in other words "proof of work" is what leads to manifestation - hiding (or binding) the knowledge to a physical shape. Information may inspire (or distract), but it is not knowledge. Knowledge needs close association or active participation in the process of creation. A well crafted "changelog" is thus the starting point for "knowledge" seekers.
"Open" is kinda misnomer because best way to hide something is to keep it in the open :-) In any case humans are incapable of noticing granular changes. While the final document is meant for humans to read and enjoy the knowledge (changeLog) is meant to guide train the AI.